Are Rottweilers Easy To Train?
[Full Guide]

Aaron Rice Expert Dog Trainer
Written: January 17, 2022

In my years of being a dog trainer, I have found Rottweilers a popular one among pet owners. Rottweilers are very commonly considered as family guardians. They have a powerful physique and are fiercely faithful. 

Every client who owns a Rottweiler puppy comes up to me with queries regarding how to train them. Teach your dog obedience; it is necessary. If you are worried about your puppy behaving aggressively or having temperament issues, it can become a severe problem if not trained early.

Let us understand Rottweiler as a dog breed.

About The Rottweiler

Rottweilers are a working breed of dogs descending from the mastiffs of the Roman Legion. They are, in layman’s terms, a guard dog. Rottweilers generally are gentle playmates and alert protectors.

A male Rottweiler can stand between 24 to 27 muscle inches at the shoulder. Female rottweilers may go a little shorter. They have a short black coat of hair, and the rut markings add to their image of impeccable strength. The rear legs of rottweilers are muscled thickly to help them jog effortlessly.
The breed of the dog plays a crucial role. If a rottweiler is well-bred and appropriately trained, they turn out to be very confident dogs. They have an aloof nature about themselves which represents a very playful side to anyone around them. They behave downright silly and fun, which renders them so lovable. This dog breed is just a lovable goofball at times. If provided early training and socialization, a rottweiler can develop good positive territorial instincts.

Are Rottweilers Easy To Train?

With correct expertise, Rottweilers are very easy to train. My experience suggests owners providing proper guidance can have their Rottweilers respond better during training. It is essential to understand that training is an ongoing commitment, and you have to be patient. Your canine friend’s attention span is small. They might not remember the command you taught in the morning by tonight or the next day.

As the trainer, you will need to understand how to push positive reinforcement and get your Rottweiler familiar with commands.

Keep reading. I will share with you how to train your Rottweiler. We’ll also go over common issues about training and how to solve them.

Why Are Rottweilers Easy To Train?

Rottweilers are pretty quick to learn commands and remember them. If given the proper training, they are excellent canine buddies to have.

But why are they easy to train? Let’s understand.

They are an intelligent dog breed. Their characteristic helps them get ranked in 9th spot amongst 200 dogs for being clever and obedient. But this is highly dependent on the dog.

Rottweilers being the adorable personalities, respond well to praises. Encouragement during the periods of training helps boost your dog’s morale. As a dog breed, Rottweilers like pleasing their dog parents.

Rottweilers enjoy working, period. It comes from their bloodline. They have this innate nature of pushing boundaries and learning things. This can sometimes come as a boundary push even for the trainer and hence restrain an important lesson. It’d be best if you were stern and gentle to get your dog trained from time to time.

Rottweilers are incredibly loyal to their dog parents. So they do enjoy pleasing you every opportunity they get. They’ll listen to your commands and be on their best behavior when appropriately trained.

When Things Get Difficult

Sometimes the situation can go a little different with Rottweilers. Let’s understand why and when training your rottweiler can get complex.

Rottweilers have a strong-willed personality as a breed. While training, a rottweiler can come out pretty assertive even when he or she is a puppy, as the alpha. Though they catch on quickly, it is essential to assert yourself in a leadership position.

It is also evident that Rottie, as a breed, is stubborn. They lose calm when a command is repeated multiple times. To avoid a situation like that, focus on training on an average of 15 minutes per lesson. Try to keep the exercises engaging and exciting.

As a puppy, rottweilers need a good amount of training. Hence as an owner and trainer, you have to put in a lot of time and effort in getting them trained. So, before adopting a puppy or dog, be sure you are up for the responsibility.

Rottweilers do respond well to training and socialization. From my experience, I can assure you these are the possible tips related to the significant difficulties you can face as an owner during training.

How To Start Training?

The Rottweiler’s temperament is to guard, and they are assertive by blood. This dog breed tends to be combative, so it is essential to provide your dog with an energy outlet as an owner. In comparison to other dogs, a Rottie is far less aggressive.

Step 1: Start When Your Rottweiler Is A Puppy.

It is good to start training your puppy between the ages of 6 weeks and six months. My advice would be to start training as soon as you adopt. Be very patient because the attention span of the pup is really less. Invest time and effort. 

Beginning to train in the early years helps them develop better socialization skills. But this does not mean your rottweilers cannot be trained in older age. With proper positive reinforcement and dog communication, you can teach your Rottie commands at any age.

Step 2: Assert Your Leadership Position.

The first training should lay a solid basic foundation on leadership. It helps in laying down the ground rules for your rottweiler to follow. This helps in improving their behavior.

Be alert not to leave dog treats lying around. After your dog finishes food, take the leftover away. Shower affection with some restraint. Let your Rottie know that you decide the outside walk time and not him.

It is vital to understand- you do not need to show dominance towards your Rottie. Your role as an owner is to be careful and understanding at this point. Do not be rough with your dog. Do not hit your dog. This will provide the wrong training.

Step 3: Socializing Your Rottweiler

Whenever you adopt your new dog, it is good to start socializing as early as possible. It is essential to have your rottweiler comfortable around other people and dogs. It is also crucial for the well-being of your Rottie.

The age span of 8 to 10 weeks is the fear imprint stage, so avoid stressful situations during this time. From 11 to 16 weeks is the best time to begin with.

When you introduce your puppy, have him on a leash instead of your arms. It is advisable for the other person(s) to not try cradling the puppy immediately. Let the puppy build confidence and walk near them.

In case you are introducing your puppy to new dogs, possibly start with a confident dog who will allow your Rottie to sniff his or her rear. Make sure the other dog(s) is(are) on a leash for protection. This lets your puppy build confidence.

Step 4: Condition Positive Reinforcement

By reinstating positive reinforcement, you reward your dog for the actions that are deemed proper. Any behavior that you want your Rottie to repeat, you make the puppy understand that through a language he understands.

An effective way to do that is to treat the whole training exercise as a game. Use rewards like treats, toys, or even affection as an encouragement factor. Every time your rottweiler pup or dog listens to your likable command or commands, give them their reward.

Please keep in mind food can lead to your rottweiler getting overweight, which they are notoriously known for. So maintain caution not to cause obesity to your Rottie via the high carb treat.

Step 5: To Control Excessive Barking, Growling, And Biting

Young dogs, in general, grunt and nip during playing. One of the best ways to handle this is to put on a leash. The moment the dog comes for you, grab the leash. You can put your puppy on timeouts for a minute or so.

Rottweilers are generally very calm. If the dog or puppy barks excessively, train to commands like “Enough” or “Quiet” as phrases to stop them.

[Command training discussed later]

Rottweiler puppies can aggressively bite if the dogs’ needs are not met. So, make sure as an owner you are providing well, which can suppress these behaviors.

Step 6: Potty Training

You can use a sizable crate depending on your dog for them to pee. The rottweiler pup should not feel uncomfortable peeing or defecating in one end of the crate. So make sure to get a crate that’s big enough for your dog to get up and roam around easily.

Two out of three times, you can let your puppy out of the crate. If the probability of going is higher, then let the third time be confined in the crate. After that, it is out of the house.

Step 7: Obedience Training

Trainers can use the same obedience style to train a rottweiler from seven weeks of age until grown-up. Whether you have rescued your dog or have him or her as a guard dog, the process is standard.

Do not use physical discipline to train your dog. It is counterproductive to hit your dog or yell at your dog if they are not listening to your command or commands. This will discourage your dog from trying or learning anything from the command you gave.

The best solution is to walk away for a while if you get frustrated and come back later to try the command. Yelling and screaming can bring your dog frightened and aggressive.

Step 8: The Commands

Start to train your dog with simple commands followed by a positive reinforcement exercise.

Sit- This command makes your life a hell lot more accessible, so exercise this command first. It will get feeding and grooming tasks done smoothly. Rottweilers are an intelligent breed. To start, make sure you have your pup’s full attention. In my experience, it is better to use your hands to lure their focus as they can ignore the voice. Use short words and simple hand gestures so that the dog also associates the command and the voice.

Down- This command can be a little tricky. The technique is the same. Use the hand gesture- move your hand in a downward motion, your palm facing the ground, and say “down.” The hand motion is to make your dog understand what precisely the command entails. Try teaching this after your dog understands “sit.”

Stay – This command is a little difficult to teach. As a trainer, you will need the patience to make your Rottie stay in one place. Do not get disheartened if it takes some time. Your Rottie may not learn this command as fast as the other commands. Teach this once your rottweiler understands “down.”

Come- Once your dog has learned to “stay,” teach them to come to you. This creates an affectionate call between you two.

Paw- A very effective command that comes very handy in grooming is “paw.” Once your dog learns to respond well to “sit,” you can try to exercise the “paw” command.

An imperative disciplinary command to teach your rottweiler puppy or dog is “No.” This helps in reinstating obedience. The dog will immediately know it is doing something wrong. Use a firm and toned voice. Use simple phrases if not “No” like “Stop” or “Bad Doggie.” Once your dog stops the action after you said “no,” go back to regular business. If your dog does not control it, then move away from there.

Step 9: Stop Pulling On The Leash

The action goes as follows:

Face your Rottie; make sure there is a minimum of 5 feet distance between you two. Then use your left hand to put a treat on the dog’s nose. Then with you being stationary, lure the dog behind you. Once your arm is fully extended, guide your dog’s head and body in your direction by a full 180 degrees. This will make your dog stand on your left side, parallel to you. Make sure to keep his or her front paw at least an inch behind your heel.

When your Rottie is in the position, raise the treat vertically over his head to make him or her sit. Once the dog does, reward him with the treat immediately. Then keep on repeating till it becomes easy for both of you.

Step 10: Be Patient

Training is a job of saints. There is no exaggeration here. Be positive around your dog. If you stay calm, they will remain relaxed. Remember, your canine buddies are your companions, and they want to please you. A little extra effort and time will help both of you get better results.

Do not yell, lose your temper, get angry or resort to anything physical. Have fun with them, enjoy playing. Your dog will not get trained overnight. So make the process of training fun and engaging. Be patient and do not get discouraged. After the training is complete, both you and your rottweiler will be in a better space.

Importance Of Exercising

Exercise plays a vital role in training. As a trainer, spend time giving them walks as you train them on a leash, let them enjoy playing in the open or the house. You can teach Rotties not to bite while playing. The best is to train them when they are puppies.

No Jumping On People

Dogs, when they get excited, tend to jump on people. This needs to be corrected under obedience training. Train them to commands like “off” and “down” to let them know they cannot do it. Even “no” or “stop” will work.

Managing An Aggressive Rottweiler

A Rottweiler’s aggression towards strangers stems from fear mostly. A primary way is to use a muzzle and then use the “down” command. Gradually your dog will calm down around people.

If a rottweiler is growling at the owner, then it is dominant aggression, and rehabilitation will not work as it is the personality of the Rottie. If a fearful Rottweiler is growling at the corner, then consider Rottie Rehab.

Training At Advanced Level

To have advanced training going on, a trainer needs to be a part of the dog philosophy. Your dog is as good as the environment in which he is trained. Take courage in your training, and your rottweiler will learn faster and better over time.


Rottweiler, as a breed, is intelligent and loyal. Their physical appearance can make them look intimidating, but they are a fantastic companion to have.

Training your rottweiler involves being loving, caring, and understanding towards your dog. They are like your family members, so be patient with them, Reward them to encourage them, provide obedience training to avoid any uncomfortable situations.

Spend time with your Rottie, ensure that they are comfortable with the training exercises, and give your rottweiler a happy life.