How To Get Dog To Stop Barking At Door?
[Step by step]

Aaron Rice Expert Dog Trainer
Written: January 17, 2022

Dogs are really great pets. They provide companionship and entertainment, but sometimes they can be a nuisance too. One of the most common complaints about dogs is that they bark at the door when someone comes over. There are many reasons why this might happen, so we will discuss ways to stop your dog from barking at the door!

Dogs often bark in response to people approaching their property because they are territorial and want to establish a “defensive territory.” Dogs also bark when people approach the house just because of fear or excitement.

There is no single reason for a dog to bark upon seeing somebody come into their home or yard in most cases. Instead, several factors could lead to the problem, such as territoriality, fear, or excitement resulting from anticipating playtime with an owner who returns home after a long absence.

What You Can Do To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking

Since many reasons can have a dog barking at your door, it’s best to try to get to the root of the problem. If you can find out what is triggering your dog’s barking, there are many things you can do to stop it.

  • Stay calm when people come over and try not to make any sudden movements or noises; this will show your pet that it is okay to relax. Your pet will eventually learn to stay calm when the doorbell rings. If you see them learning, give them their favorite treat to reinforce positive behavior.

  • Exercise your pet regularly so they can get their energy out in other ways and won’t need to let off steam by barking. You could also make this part of any training sessions you might already be doing. Or you can simply make a new training plan.

  • Practice training in short intervals of time on how to stop barking, for example, for a few minutes every day; this will help your dog learn. Give them a tasty treat every time they showcase the right behavior.

  • Distract your pet with an activity they enjoy when the person comes over to get their attention off of them. When the doorbell rings, you can hand your dog his toy or a bone so that they stay busy.

  • Reward good behavior and always make sure that you praise your pet if they stop barking or show any other positive behavior like sitting down calmly next to you

  • Provide your dog with a lot of opportunities to get mental stimulation and exercise. This will help them focus elsewhere instead of on what is happening outside or at the door.
  • If your dog is barking at the door because they’re hungry or thirsty, then you should feed them and give them a fresh bowl of water.

  • When your dog barks because they want to go outside, you should take them out and give them a chance to relieve themselves.

  • When your dog barks because they want attention, make sure that you spend enough time with them every day.

  • If your pet barks at other times of day or night for no apparent reason, try opening up one window in the house during this time and leave it open for a few days. This will allow your dog to get some fresh air and relax without being distracted by outside noises or smells.

  • If you have any visitors that come over during regular sleeping hours, make sure they understand not to react in any way when the pet barks at them. This is going to teach your dog that it’s okay when the person is there.

  • Finally, if your dog barks at strangers and it’s not clear why they’re doing so, then you should get them neutered or spayed. This will help cut down on their aggression.

Try these things to see what might work to ensure that your pet learns to stop barking at the door. But, again, be consistent with your training technique. Changing training plans too frequently could give you next to no results.

I do not advise using bark collars that deliver an electric shock to the dog every time it detects a bark. That is too cruel a method, in my book. It might get you results, but it won’t address the root of it.

Why Do Dogs Bark At The Door When Someone Comes Over

There could be many different reasons why your dog is barking. 

Sometimes, this is because they are bored and may not be getting enough mental stimulation. Other times, it is for attention or because of territorial barking. You should try leaving your dog alone in another room when somebody comes over and see if this makes any difference in their barking behavior.

If none of these tactics work, you might need to consult a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. They may have other ideas of what the problem could be and how it can be solved. You should also explore any available training methods to try to control your dog’s excessive barking.

The key is not only identifying why your dog is barking but also exploring ways to solve it.

Think about it. When your dog barks at your front door when you return home, what are they trying to tell you? Some dogs bark when they’re excited or happy to see their owner. Others are frustrated from hearing footsteps coming up the walkway and might be wondering who it could be. 

Is your dog barking because they want to greet someone or because he’s frightened of them?

If it’s someone your pet knows well, like a family member, neighbor, or friend, there might not be anything wrong with his behavior. But if they start growling at people, that means something is off about this person for him!

If your dog barks out of fear, then you should think about what might be influencing his behavior. Consider keeping your pet in their room when guests arrive at your house if this is the case.

If your dog is barking because he’s bored, then that means there needs to be more mental stimulation for him. Consider spending quality time with him by taking walks or playing his favorite game to keep them preoccupied! 


Barking at the door is a frustrating problem, but there are ways to stop it. Consider these tips, and maybe your dog will be barking less soon! 

Some suggestions for discouraging this behavior include using noise deterrents like citronella spray or ultrasonic devices, changing the environment by adding new toys that they can play with inside instead of outside.

If none of that helps, then consider consulting with a professional animal trainer who might know some other tricks to try. You could also consult with your vet about any underlying medical issues.