Huskies’ Temperament
Huskies are not those breeds that face unpredictable mood swings. They have a steady character, and this makes them easy to handle daily. Additionally, as they were originally bred as herd dogs, they consider your family as their own and are highly sociable.
Unnecessary loud barking at strangers is also not so much of a worry for huskies. This aspect minimizes the chances of startling your kid due to the loud barks like some other breeds.
Huskies are not stubborn to changes in general. They sense, observe and adapt quickly to new members of the family. This makes the transition phase smooth and largely free of troubles for your infant.
Age factor does not make a huge impact when it comes to Siberian huskies. Even the senior dogs are a child at heart and liven the whole mood in the house with their adorable and amicable nature.
Also, they have good synergy with the energy levels of the people. If your child is calm, the dog will adapt accordingly. Similarly, vice versa is applicable for kids high on energy. In short, huskies can act as the perfect companion for your little ones.
Huskies and Infants
Although children above the age of four can quickly gel with your husky, infants require special attention when there is a Siberian husky in the house. Your dog will express their wholesome affection towards your baby, but it is essential to teach them and set boundaries around the kid.
If you are expecting a new baby, imparting some training on how to act around the child will make it easy for you and your dog when the baby comes. You can try it out by gradually reducing the attention you provide them.
Another method is to make them used to the baby’s scent. You can try adding the new baby’s scents around the house to make them accustomed.
Lastly, you can try playing the sound/audio file of the baby. It can be the crying or laughing noise of the infant. This will enable them to adjust to the baby’s cries/shrieks, etc. when they arrive home.
Please remember that surprising your husky or any other dog breed for that matter can backfire. The sudden change in attention can make them feel jealous.
Therefore, the quicker and more systematic you train them, the easier your life gets with kids in the house. For the first two years, we recommend you never leave the child alone with the dog. Always ensure human supervision if you need to leave the room due to some emergency. Take care to block your dog’s access to the infant before you head away.