Do Poodles make good family pets?
One of the most popular dogs known for their friendliness and status of being a family dog, Poodles top the list for sure. But as a parent, it’s only natural to wonder if your new dog is safe to be around kids.
Well, if you are thinking of getting a Poodle, the answer is Yes, it is safe.
Poodles are loyal, affectionate, and super friendly. They are easily trainable and love company. They are active and need regular exercise. They shed minimal and enjoy cuddling and petting. Not only are they patient but also sensitive, which makes them one of the best dogs to be around kids.
One thing you must worry about less once you get a Poodle is allergies. Poodles have a Hypoallergenic coat, and that makes them much safer around children than most of the other pets.
When a canine psychologist did a study, he found out that Poodles are the second most obedient dogs, just after Border collies, who are absolutely wonderful at following instructions.
Poodles also adapt easily, which means a change in the environment, people, houses, or anything else is not much trouble with your dog. When there are kids around, adaptability becomes a much-needed brownie point.
It is suggested to train the dog to behave, especially around kids, and slowly transition into letting the dog alone be around the children. While beginning the introduction, it will help if the Poodle is tired out and doesn’t have much energy to spare.
Before the first encounter, train your dog with basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “stop.” For this, you must have trained them and spent time with them beforehand. Make sure you help the Poodle feel comfortable as well.
All the while, train confidently and calmly. A Poodle is a sensitive breed. If your dog senses fear or uncertainty, chances are they will try to take things under their control. Avoid this chaos by being firm and confident.