What is it about the trash that our dogs can’t seem to stop themselves from digging into it! What’s the universal treasure that our dogs find in our bins but not us? Be it a tiny one like a toy poodle or a great Dane, if there’s something the dog community across the globe agrees upon, it’s that trash is a picnic spot!
They don’t differentiate between indoors and outdoors. They just dig, and the nuisance after is real. Worse when the neighbor comes to tell you what a museum your dog has created of their garbage!
Even when I was training dogs initially, it took me a while to grasp why my otherwise obedient students went haywire near bins and trash cans. One of my trainees, Suzie, an otherwise lovely labrador, found herself running towards every trash can and tearing apart every garbage bag inside at all possible instances.
Obedience training definitely helped, but there were steps her humans had to take for this problem to eradicate from its roots.
I’ll be sharing those and more helpful tips in this article. Keep reading!