Why Do Huskies Run Away So Much?
[Everything you need to know]

Aaron Rice Expert Dog Trainer
Written: January 17, 2022

Husky owners might wonder why their beloved pets tend to run away. T

here are multiple reasons; some biological and others are characteristics of Siberian huskies.

Let us understand them in this article.

8 Reasons Why Huskies Run Away

1. Huskies As A Breed Are Born And Bred To Run 

Initially, Huskies are sled dogs from the polar regions. They are a very energetic and athletic and highly loyal breed. However, if a husky is not receiving enough attention or mental stimulation through playing or training, or even physical exercise, they become frustrated with the monotonous life.

A husky’s natural instinct is to run and has very little to do with its attachment to you. Huskies are evolutionarily capable of running up to 100 miles a day. A husky will be your best training partner imaginable if you are training for a marathon or sprint!

So, as a trainer, my first advice to any husky owner is not to feel disheartened if your husky runs out to explore the moment it finds the door open.

2. Huskies Are Naturally Curious Dogs 

Honestly, one of the possible causes of your husky wanting to run away is its intuitive nature of exploring its surroundings. 

A great way of reducing this is by providing your Siberian husky with lots of exercise in your local surroundings like inside the house, a nearby park, or yard, and to train it from a young age to not run away when the door is completely open.

3. Your Husky Puppy Or Dog Wants Your Attention 

Siberian Huskies are very affectionate by nature. They enjoy belly rubs and love cuddling their owners. They also are very emotionally intelligent and understand if you are happy or sad. For example, they might come and lie down next to you or lick you if they sense you upset to cheer you up!

Consider your husky does not receive all the basic requirements needed to lead an exciting life, such as lots of physical activity, a lot of training, and enough quality time with its owners. In that case, they can get bored very quickly.

An unstimulated husky will become lonely and thus will have a very high tendency to escape and seek excitement somewhere else. Then, finally, it will take the matter into its own paws and get the problem fixed! Escape in the wild it is.

4. Husky Runs After Something That Causes Distraction To Them 

Huskies are pretty clever and independent in comparison to other dogs. However, their instinct makes them very attentive to any minor distraction!

Suppose your husky is scrounging around the yard or neighboring park and suddenly ends up hearing, seeing, or smelling something interesting beyond the fence or boundary. In that case, they will have no problem going ahead and have their detective hats on to figure out what is going on. This might include digging, jumping his way out from the yard, or running behind the object before you can mention stop.

Huskies have a high prey drive because of their ancestry. So if they see the neighbor’s cat or a squirrel or a butterfly around, the first instinct is to run behind them and get their target.

This is a crucial reason why one needs to train their huskies from an early age.

5. Husky Not Getting Enough Exercise 

Proper exercises help huskies and their owners deal with huskies’ excess energy and overly exciting nature.

Without so, there is an excellent chance of huskies developing behavior issues, causing destruction, having severe boredom issues, and anxiety problems.

If a husky starts feeling frustrated and is not adequately exercised, it provides them with a perfect reason to run away.

6. Lack Of Proper Training 

If your husky does not start training early or regularly practice training exercises, it may lead to a severe lack of guidance and result in very unruly behavior.

It will make it much easier for them to follow their wild instincts of running and exploring. Hence, training should involve positive reinforcement to control their urge.

7. Your Husky Wants To Mate 

The desire to mate, especially for male huskies, can explain why they want to escape. Getting them neutered helps to prevent this issue.

8. Your Husky Was Left Alone 

Huskies are very affectionate and enjoy their owner’s company and attention. However, if kept alone for a very long time, they develop separation anxiety and depression.

Being left alone for too long can get them to leave.

How To Stop Your Husky From Running Away?

Make Sure To Husky Proof The House And Yard 

  1. Have fences higher than six feet. Husky jumps pretty high, so a good height fence physically prevents them from escaping. This also provides some time as it might take some time to train a husky not to run away.
  2. Using baby gates also acts as a physical barrier preventing a husky escape! The front door training can begin by using baby gates.
  3. Making sure the exits are safe and secure is essential. Chicken wire underneath the fences prevents huskies from digging the guard out. Ensure to move tables and chairs or any object that helps them gain elevation away from the fence to avoid huskies using those to jump over the fence.
  4. Using a chain lock on the front door is a great way to allow you to have the control to open it without your husky escaping. Huskies are very intelligent and can quickly learn to open simple gate handles by pawing at them.
  5. Get them crate-trained.
  6. By providing distractions such as toys to play with, you help them to keep their focus in one place.
  7. Using a long leash so that your Siberian husky can run while you still have control over their escape.
  8. Never leave them unattended in the yard. Keeping an eye on your husky at all times also trains them not to escape.

Lots Of Exercises Is The Key:

With enough exercise, huskies can be kept less hyperactive at all times, reducing their tendency to run away. However, if you don’t have enough time to exercise your husky, you may want to consider using a dog walker for the job.

As a dog trainer, my advice is to walk your husky for at least two hours per day, splitting an hour each during morning and evening. Make sure to have an exercise routine involving running, sprinting, chasing an object (a ball or a disk), hiking, trailing. A very effective way to keep this exciting is to choose different environments from time to time.

Self-control Training Is The Long-run Goal:

It is crucial to teach your husky not to run away whenever they get an opportunity, or the front door is open even though it is their instinct because it is hazardous.

Running out can cause accidents like getting hit by a running vehicle or getting lost after an escape. This is more so a reason to make sure to train your husky to listen to ‘stay’ command from a young age and consistently keep on doing so to avoid any mishap.

Provide Them With Loads Of Attention:

Huskies are adorable goofballs who love to be the center of your attention. By ensuring them by providing so, you can prevent the tendency of your Husky running.

A straightforward way is to take your husky out for their daily walk or exercise and spend time with them while training. This will not only make them feel loved but also count towards providing attention.

Another way of providing attention is to spend as much time as you can manage with your pet husky, including playing with them, cuddling them, fussing over them, and even having a talk with them! Their ears perk up when they hear your voice. Huskies are very intuitive and can even understand if you are happy or sad. This makes your husky feel extremely important to you.

Well-trained huskies, exercised, and adored will be less likely to run away.

How to train your husky not to run away?

A very effective way of training your huskies is the “Front Door Training,” which is very beautifully published by “My Happy Husky.”

The entire regime is built to strengthen your husky’s self-control. The exercise slowly and steadily teaches your husky to resist temptations and distractions in front of them.

A critical hack breaks the exercise into smaller achievable goals and rewards your husky for each win. This increases the effectiveness.

In general, the training consists of the following elements:


  1. Start with putting a leash and harness on the husky. Then, get some treats that they usually like. 
  2. Please open the door for your house with your husky and command them to stay as you put your hand on the doorknob. If they stay, then give them a treat. 
  3. The next step is to command them to stay then turn the door handle. Again give them a treat if they listen. 
  4. Follow by telling them to stay when opening the door slightly, then close it. If they stay, give them a treat. 
  5. Keep on repeating the exercise each time while opening the door a little further and then for more extended periods. 
  6. Once your dog has gotten used to the above process, walk away to a small distance after opening the door. 
  7. Now repeat this exercise using a toy that he likes. Begin by putting it just outside, and then try throwing it at some distance.

    To strengthen the behavior, keep on doing this exercise consistently.

Teaching Huskies To Walk Alongside You

While out on a walk, it is crucial to train your husky to stay with you.

It is better to access a park with some fencing or boundaries. Make sure to carry some treats on you. Start playing with them using basic commands like sit, lay, or rollover. After a while, command them to stay; you move away from them a little and continue playing. Keep on repeating the exercise while adding more distance.

Once your dog gets acquainted, repeat the process with a toy in front of them. Throw the toy or squeak it to enhance distraction. If they stay, provide a treat enforcing the behavior.


It is essential to understand not to punish your husky if they run away, as it will only add to their anxiety. If they catch them trying to run away, guide them to better behavior.

Huskies are naturally carefree and like to sprint away if they are bored or if their needs are not met. Try not to take it personally, as this is more of a husky’s personality trait than an attachment issue.

Punishment will scare them away and create distrust between you and your pet.