Lake and Beachfront
A small and cozy picnic by the lakeside or near the ocean sounds amusing. If you plan to go on such outings, only let your dog in these water bodies if they are an experienced swimmer. Don’t let them in the deeper part of the area unless they are wearing a life-jacket and swimming with you on the side. Avoid taking them out when it is raining, or the weather is slightly windy or stormy. Watch out for any areas that might be harmful to your pet, such as the ones filled with algae or scum floating on the surface.
Should you let your dog swim in the ocean?
Many pet parents have a question if they should ever let their dog swim in the ocean. Riptides and giant waves are dangerous for your dog, so they must wear a life-jacket at all times. Supervise your dog by observing them constantly and swimming along with them. If you ever take your dog on a swim to the ocean, stick to the shores and avoid going towards the deeper end.
Dock Diving
Now, this is where things get real! Dock diving is an actual sport where dogs are launched from a platform and thrown into a pool. The winner is decided based on height, speed, and distance covered by the doy while being splashed towards their toy. It is an excellent competitive sport present at all levels, from small tournaments to full-fledged world championships. Dock Diving is enjoyed not only by the pet parents but also by the dogs.
Bonus tips for dock diving
- Research thoroughly on dock diving and medically examine your dog before participating.
- Keep your dog well hydrated so they do not drink the water from the pool or place of competition.
- Teach your dog all the necessary commands and ensure that they respond to them.